Since the middle of October 2014, I have been writing the history of
my studio(s) of 50+ years.
Read the comments and discussion from my husband, my three "Friends"
and of course, myself, about the life in the studio.
Read all about the fence and sidewalk art shows of the 1960's and 1970's,
our move to California, the hurricane in Connecticut that destroyed one studio, the
National Sculpture Society prize, among others, the shows in Europe, my theories
and practice of making Found Object sculpture, and last, but certainly not least,
a description of my newest studio, where I'm creating new sculpture as well as holding
workshops that the participants have found inspiring as well as entertaining.
The book will contain images of the studios as well as a portfolio containing
both early and late work of the five mediums I work in:
Drawings: a whole section of my beautiful cats in pen & ink, as well as
drawings from my garden.
Oil Paintings: more colorful cats, as well as large canvases of my "Tapestry
of my Mind" series and other abstracts.
Reverse Oil Painting on Glass: images of small, jewel-like abstracts on glass.
Found Object Assemblage: Images of prize- winning sculpture, including my
method of using rag paper; which have become the main focus of
my studio, and the first subject of the workshops I hold.
The Tapestry of My Mind Series: Begun with painting, it has evolved into
stunning fiber tapestries with found objects....called "brilliant" in
a recent review, around which I am creating a new workshop
All of this will be in a lovely book of 80 + pages - I am in the process of preparing it
for the printers now and will have will have information for you to reserve your copy at
this site............please e-mail me at
Working cover of "Where Next?" |